
Real Estate Opportunity

There is always opportunity

The word is out. There’s a price correction going on in residential real estate; with mortgage rates rising (although still lower than the rate of inflation… just want to point that out) and lots more supply coming to market (in roughly a 5:1 ratio of new listings to sales), there is considerable downward pressure on

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Window of Opportunity

  I don’t wish to sound like a euphoric clown, spouting sunshine-and-rainbows while the rest of the world is focusing on the troubling news of higher inflation and rising mortgage rates, but at the risk of swimming against the current, I wanted to highlight that there are still opportunities. If you’re willing to keep an

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Turn That Frown Upside Down – There Are Always Opportunities

The streets are lined with gold for anyone willing to work and take a long-term perspective. With prices coming down in residential real estate both locally and across the province, prospective buyers are being granted the opportunity they’ve been awaiting. With more inventory coming to market and available from which to choose, and properties taking

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Merits Of The Hobo Lifestyle; Write Yourself Up A Sexy Spreadsheet

Interest Rates Are Rising Well, it was bound to happen, wasn’t it?! Despite the recent increase and the Bank of Canada’s signaling that there will continue to be more of the same in the near future, mortgage rates remain at near record lows (historically speaking) and still no higher than recent inflation numbers. Heck, there’s

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The Appraisal

  … wait just a minute. So, after the tears of joy and high-fives that follow ‘winning’ a bidding war (congrats, by the way), the dust settles, we all land back into the land of reality. Likely, as has been the norm over the past couple of years, you’ll have paid far above the asking

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