
Move Forward

It’s a funny thing. Recently, and for the first time in memory, I actually sat through watching the local evening news. It was all doom and gloom. Every. Single. Feature. Story. In some perverse sense, it was comforting to see that this is something that hasn’t changed over the years. It was one of those […]

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All Quiet

… on the real estate front (Sorry, that was just a little too easy. Nothing like grasping at some low-hanging references – even at the risk of sounding overly pastiche.) Still, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t apply; it has been very quiet, indeed. With the number of transactions closing per month considerably lower than

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Moving with the times

Perhaps the most difficult thing to do is to change one’s mind. Easier said than done, especially when it means lowering expectations to meet the market reality when selling a property (i.e. when the real reality is the last thing you want to hear). You’re then in need of some tough love. For starters, no

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The Phony War

Remember bidding wars?! Yeah, me too. That was so ‘early 2022’. But what’s going on, now? There doesn’t seem to be much movement… or many new places being listed. It does feel like that, doesn’t it?! Well, you aren’t the only one who might think so. Traditionally, the last couple of weeks of August are

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The Golden Rule

Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you. Ah, the Golden Rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated. A thread common to all the world’s religions. Tough to argue with it, then. … or so you’d think. And yet, people are greedy. Some sellers cling on to their properties and

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