
Thinking ahead.

Not to employ an overly Canadian and utterly non-sequitur introduction to this post but I feel that Gretzky’s approach to hockey might not be the worst philosophy for those with an interest in real estate at the moment. I recognize that it’s perhaps a little overdone and pastiche (not to mention dating myself) but the […]

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Wristwatch Tristan

Time to buy

I think I can… I think I can… I think I can. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. You didn’t fail. You learned how not to do it. Need I go on with the quotes? Get the gist? Recently, I have been working with a buyer who has been hesitant. Despite seeing

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After a VERY slow start to 2023, there are early signs of life in the local residential real estate market. Pent-up demand? Warming weather (well, not over the past two weeks)? Buyers’ confidence buoyed by interest rates being held? Whatever the reason, the spring market is here. And it’s a welcome sight. What a difference

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Mortgage Insurance

One of the boring realities of adulthood is the realization that money ought to be spent on things that aren’t fun. Periods of higher inflation aside, this can happen to the extent that disposable income suffers considerably – to the point where one has to ask oneself if ______ [insert new item under consideration to

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Trying to figure people out

Anyone in the service industry – or in sales – will attest to it being especially trying to please clientele. I am always astonished when prospective clients feel entitled to be rude or condescending, as if those providing service didn’t have to work/sacrifice/take risks to be where they are, any feelings or mouths to feed.

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